Elixir Strings | Table O Contents

Place the introducing line of text ie.) the ‘tagline’ here …

Note. The Flammarion Logo Badge in the page header above is an .svg image file set to the dimensions of 5% width, auto height, and zoom. Go ahead and test the zoom-out feature by hovering over the badge to engage the expansion of the image from your desktop.

First Subtitle

Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …

More to come …

Elixir Strings

From the iex prompt, type the command h followed immediately by the name of the module associated with the concept of UTF-8 binaries in Elixir, as follows:

iex> h(String)

;where the module name of String in parenthesis returns the resident help library or man or manual pages for the module String


The merging of “two-or-more-strings” in Elixir is performed by the ++ or double-plus sign, as follows:

iex> x = "Hello"


iex> y = "there"


iex> z = "!"
iex> x `++` y `++` z = :a

;where the formula “×” or the string of x concatenated with “y” or the string of y concatenated with “z” or the string of z is assigned to the Atom-variable of the same name :a




Note. Strings aka UTF-8 binaries in Elixir do support the process of interpolation using the #{...} syntax

1.) Invoke the interactive Elixir-shell from a global Terminal window with the iex command …


;where the iex command starts an instance of Elixer

2.) Assign a string to a variable

iex> name = "joe"

;where the string of “joe” is assigned to the variable name

3.) Insert the value of the variable name within any string using the given #{...} format, as follows:

iex> "hello #{name}"


"hello joe"

Strings as Keys in Elixir

Use the % sign plus a set of curly braces { ... } to create a data map or dictionary or simply a map in Elixir as follows:

iex> x = %{ "a" => 3, "b" => 4 }

Note. The fat arrow designates a key => value pair within a map.

;where the name of the map is assigned to the variable placeholder x

Note. Dictionaries in Python3 are called Maps in Elixir.

 => 3, ":b" => 4 }



iex> x = %{:a 3, :b 4}


iex> unknown





;where colon a is an atom in the Elixir programming language ie.) the immutable variable a of the same name or :a

Note. One of the benefits of using atoms as your immutable variable of choice is the automatic naming convention for atoms.

For example, colon a or simply :a is the atom or immutable variable named a

Strings in Elixir

From the iex prompt, type the command h followed immediately by the name of the module associated with the concept of UTF-8 binaries in Elixir, as follows:

iex> h(String)

;where the module name of String in parenthesis returns the resident help library or man or manual pages for the module String


iex> x = %{ "a" => 3, "b" => 4 }



iex> ×[“a”]


iex> “a”

String Concatenation

The merging of “two-or-more-strings” in Elixir is performed by the ++ or double-plus sign, as follows:

iex> x = "Hello"


iex> y = "there"


iex> z = "!"
iex> x `++` y `++` z = :a

;where the formula "×" or `the string of x` concatenated with "y" or `the string of y`  concatenated with "z" or `the string of z` is assigned to the `Atom-variable` of the same name `:a`



## Jekyll Server

**Note**. Detailed instructions on how to view this file locally using a Jekyll server are included in the accompanying `Gemfile` for the project.

In short, type the following command statement from a Terminal window when set to the `docs` subdirectory.

jekyll serve --watch --baseurl "" -o

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Blank Author [1].

  1. A Narrative of Psychology by Blank Author, Jan #1999


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