Responsive Email | Table O Contents
How to Install MJML Responsive Email in Mac Os High Sierra …
Note. The Flammarion Logo Badge
in the page header above is an .svg
image file set to the dimensions of 5%
width, auto
height, and zoom
. Go ahead and test the zoom-out
feature by hovering over the badge to engage the expansion of the image.
Mail Jet Markup Language
Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …
Update Node Package Manager
First, update ( or, install initially ) your global copy of node package manager (npm).
From the Terminal prompt on your development machine …
Type the following command
npm i -g npm
Check the new version of npm
npm --version
Update MJML Responsive Email
Next, update ( or, install initially ) the global copy of MJML Responsive Email
Type the following command
npm i -g mjml
Check the new version of mjml
mjml --version
Last Subtitle
More to come …
Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Blank Author [1].
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