Inconvenient Truths | Table O Contents

The idea of White Su­premacy Is NOT a phi­los­o­phy …

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White Supremacy

Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …

More to come …

Filtering Your Life

White Su­premacy is rather but a fil­ter through which you may view the world relativistically to the point all progress stops.

A sort of retrograde motion that gives the appearance of movement, but in reality actually digresses.

Flamboyant Relativism

“Trumpian lies are noth­ing more than in­tox­i­cat­ing in­stru­ments to bran­dish about in times of in­con­ve­nient truth.”~ Jason Parham

Discernible Reality

“The judicious study of a discernible reality in politics is a fruitless endeavor because 2/3rd’s of the entire voting population marks their ballots with their gut, not their brain.”~ Karl Rove

Relativism v Rationalism

Do fantasmas really exist?

Should we follow empirical science when actually governing, as opposed to NOT following empirical science when campaigning?

Religion in Politics

1:535 US House members report “No Religion” ( Kyrsten Cinema, D - Az 9th )

1:7383 State Congress members report “No Religion” ( Ernie Chambers, Ky )

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Wired dot com [1].

  1. White Su­premacy Is NOT a Phi­los­o­phy in Wired dot com, #2017


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