Unix Env | Table O Contents

The Unix environment command env is a built-in method that produces a list back to the Terminal window …

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Environmental Variables

Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘synopsis’ here …

All of the Capital Case environmental variables that are set by the operating system …

As well as the lower case underscore connected user variables that have been registered with the development machine environment over time …

Are listed by the env command.

Note. Environmental Variables are defined by the operating system of your development machine and may be manipulated by the Admin ie.) the user with administrative permission.


From the global Terminal prompt of your development machine …

( after confirming which version of Ruby you are using for the current session )

Type the environment command env, as follows:


Word Count

Count the number of words inside of this ( .md ) file with the Word Count command wc.


From the global Terminal prompt of your development machine …

( after confirming which version of Ruby you are using for the current session )

Type the environment command env, as follows:


Note. The environment command env is a built-in method that produces a list back to the Terminal window that shows all of the Capital Case environmental variables set by the operating system as well as the Lower Case underscore connected user variables that have been registered with the development machine environment over time.

The Manual

Count the number of words inside of this ( .md ) file with the Word Count command wc.


From the global Terminal prompt of your development machine …

( after confirming which version of Ruby you are using for the current session )

Type the environment command man, as follows:

man man

Note. The environment command man is a built-in method that produces a list back to the Terminal window that shows all of the Capital Case environmental variables set by the operating system as well as the Lower Case underscore connected user variables that have been registered with the development machine environment over time.


You can search with the -s switch.

Simply designate the targeted Book Number of your search, and the section title within the book you are probing.

man -s 1 intro

Note. Here we are searching Book One of man.

Specifically, the “intro” section of book 1.

Tip. When you are finished viewing the fruits of your search, hit the Q key to return to the Terminal prompt.

No need to capitalize with the shift key.

q will suffice.

Other Disk Utilities

More to come …

How To Find The Amount of Available Disk Space In Mac Os

The Disk Free command, or df will return a chart of available capacity when coupled with the Human Readable switch -h.

From the global Terminal prompt …

df -h

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Blank Author [1].

  1. A Narrative of Psychology by Blank Author, Jan #1999


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