Xamarin Mac | Table O Contents

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If you are an Apple Mac Book Pro owner - developer, you already have a copy of Apple X-code on your machine.

We will be using specifically, the X-code Interface Builder when interfacing with Visual Studio for Mac.


There are a total of seven (7) files to consider at the onset of a basic X-code - Xamarin app.

Four C Sharp

The first four (4) files are C Sharp # language files (.cs)

Main dot cs

As in all C Sharp # language programs, the Main dot cs file houses the intro method that kicks off the program, as follows:

static void Main(string[] args)

Here, the method creates an instance of the Main class.

The Main Class

The MainClass describes a Xamarin Mac app in object oriented detail and is a blueprint for the declaration and assignment of both assets and methods in an instance of the class.

Imported Libraries

The program recognizes the AppKit declared as a library of functionality to be used and imported into the application via the using statement at the top of the program.

Name Spaces

The namespace is derived from the original name given the app, in this case hello-mac.

After importing the library of functionality AppKit into the program via the using statement …

And, then declaring the namespace of hellomac

The program next creates an instance of the MainClass, as follows:

using AppKit;

namespace hellomac
    static class MainClass
        static void Main(string[] args)

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Blank Author [1].

  1. A Narrative of Psychology by Blank Author, Jan #1999


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