Ready jQuery | Table O Contents

Confirmation must be received in the form of a message from the DOM …

Note. The Flammarion Logo Badge in the page header above is an .svg image file set to the dimensions of 5% width, auto height, and zoom. Go ahead and test the zoom-out feature by hovering over the badge to engage the expansion of the image.

First Subtitle

Hint. Out of the box, the jQuery object provides a jQuery function represented by the dollar sign $ that accepts a single parameter for its solo argument.

More to come …

Window onLoad

There is no short-cut in the properties and methods of the jQuery object to replace the jQuery $(window).load statement with a symbol.

A comparable property of your browser is the window.onload method.

The window.onload method waits until ALL of the assets of the subject page have been loaded including all images and iframes prior to sending a ready message.

Document ready

Whereas, the $(document).ready function and method of jQuery waits only for the browser to complete the construction of the Document Object Model, or DOM prior to sending its ready message.

Therefore, the window.onload method of your browser may be invoked AFTER our newly proposed job() function.

Job Function

For example, the following code waits for confirmation from the window Object upon total load

In jQuery …

As follows,

  return console.log(`The page is now fully loaded. ➡️
  The Html has been parsed. ➡️
  The DOM has been rendered. ➡️
  All of the assets of the page have been uploaded to the browser. ➡️
  We can now go to work.`)

Similarly, the following code block waits for the confirmation message from the Html parser via the document Object model.

And, upon DOM readiness

Also in jQuery …

As follows,

  return console.log(`The Html has been parsed. ➡️
  The DOM has been rendered. ➡️
  All of the assets of the page (perhaps) ... ➡️
  Are still in the process of being uploaded to the browser ... ➡️
  Depending on their weight and bandwidth. ➡️
  The page is most probably now NOT fully loaded. ➡️
  But, nevertheless ... we can go to work.`)

Anonymous Function Wrappers

Both of the long-cut statements shown above and by extension the single built in jQuery short-cut $()


Note. An AFW can be the parameter that fills the single set of parenthesis as argument to the jQuery(document).ready function and method.

As previously, under the representation of the built-in jQuery short-cut $()

And, also via our soon to override global job variable, as shown below.


BEFORE an event can fire in jQuery, confirmation in the form of a message must be received from the Document Object Model, or DOM.

jQuery $

Out of the box, the jQuery object provides a jQuery function represented by the dollar sign $ that accepts a single parameter for its solo argument, as follows:


Quickly, however, we can embellish upon the out of the box jQuery function by placing the document parameter inside the set of parenthesis reserved for the argument of the jQuery function and by chaining the ready method of the jQuery object to the argument, as follows:


Here, the jQuery object is invoked to accomplish the feat of confirming the readiness of the DOM.

The ready method is chained to the jQuery function after inserting the top-node of the DOM aka the document as the parameter for the solo argument taken by the jQuery function.

Note. The dollar sign $ is a built-in substitute symbol for the term jQuery.

And, that substitute symbol can be changed programatically.

Let There Be Brevity

A let statement can be used in place of the now chained $(document).ready function and method, as follows:

let job = jQuery.noConflict(document).ready;

However, the now scoped job variable cannot be used to call DOM elements outside of its placement after the DOM has been built by the browser.


Roll Ur Own to avoid collisions.

Isn’t that an oxymoron.

But, you can … with jQuery.

If the short-cut $() can be used to replace $(document).ready, then why not we?

First, let’s set the following global variable and hope with a high level of confidence that no other namespace will pollute ours.

In the micro-scope of the let variable we should be good to go.

However, in the global hoisted scope of our program, we may not.

We must make the new alias job available throughout the many functions and methods of our program.

To allow for this expanded level of functionality, we will have to expose the new job variable to the elements of our entire program, as follows:

var job = jQuery.noConflict(document).ready;

Notice how we have had to switch from the more modern, ES6 scoped variable keyword of let

Back to the original plain-vanilla Javascript variable aka the more global variable keyword of var.

Now, let’s plug the var job into our jQuery object from above.

Running with the following algorithmic steps …

  1. The built-in jQuery function $() is transformed to $(document).ready()

  2. The job() function = jQuery.noConflict(document).ready()

  3. The parameter of the argument for the job() function can be an AFW = job(function(){});

Note. Where noConflict is simply a chained method of the jQuery object under previous jQuery incarnations, or versions.


  return console.log(`The Html has been parsed. ➡️
  The DOM has been rendered. ➡️
  We can now go to work.`)

What have we done?

In a nutshell …

EL Labirinto (The Labyrinth)

Now that we have taken you, dear reader, through the opening of the Labyrinth that is the jQuery object …

Let’s take it for a spin!


Let’s craft a simple Javascript program that will accept our new job variable.

Simply highlight and copy the following code with your mouse or touchpad via command + C, and

Note. You must first expose the Chrome Developer Toolset, or CDT to invoke the Javascript console command line via a Chrome browser window.

Finally, via command + V, paste the code into your Javascript console command line, and

"use strict";
// As of ES7 the Global use of the strict string pragma is recommended
// Set the local variable
// let job = jQuery.noConflict(document).ready;
// Set the global variable
var job = $(document).ready;
// Construct the function
  // Wait for the "DOM is complete" message from the Html parser
  return console.log(`The Html has been parsed ➡️
  The DOM has been rendered ➡️
  We can now go to work.`)

Note. We have had to remove the .noConflict() method from the chain of events in order to equate the var with the namespace job.

Does not jQuery version 3.3.1 possess a .noConflict() method in the Labyrinth of the newest and resident jQuery object?

Or, has the jQuery .noConflict() method been deprecated?

Safer Coding

Without the worry of the alias dollar sign $ being used by another program to inadvertently create collisions, our global variable job now sits within our our jQuery Labyrinth hidden, but accessible.

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from a book written by Jonathan Chaffer [1] and Karl Swedberg [2].

  1. Learning jQuery: 4th Edition by Jonathan Chaffer and [Karl Swedberg]. Published by © 2007 - 2013

  2. [Gmail: Karl Swedberg]([Learning jQuery, 4th Edition …]&body=Hello Karl: I want to thank you for writing Learning jQuery, 4th Edition with Jonathan Chaffer. I have cited your work at my rendition of the ‘jQuery Lessons Project’ at GitHub Pages … Robert. C=> //{:title=’Click to Launch your designated system email program to send a fully populated electronic letter to the Gmail address of Karl Swedberg’}


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