Northern Lights | Table O Contents

Place the introducing line of text ie.) the ‘lead’ here …

Note. The Flammarion Logo Badge in the page header above is an .svg image file set to the dimensions of 5% width, auto height, and zoom. Go ahead and test the zoom-out feature by hovering over the badge to engage the expansion of the image.


Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …

The BC Northern Lights Company of British Columbia, Canada was recently merged with Aurora Cannabis, Inc. in a purchase transaction Dtd September #2017 as reported by Bloomberg.

Intellectual Property

The Carbon Free Footprint Project, or CFFP is a venture established by ➡️

The Medical Marijuana Initiative of North America ®️ - International Limited Small Registered MMINAIL Logo Badge Small Registered MMINAIL Logo Badge

An Arizona Benefit Corporation

All rights reserved. Except where explicity granted.

Image Filters

Prepending the path and file name of an image with simply the site.baseurl in liquid can be achieved with the relative_url filter.

However, prepending the path and file name of an image with both the site.url and site.baseurl in liquid can be achieved only with the absolute_url filter.

BC Northern Lights

An analysis designed to establish a Carbon Free Footprint when operating a BC Northern Lights Bloombox ‘Full Blast’ 24/7.

The path to this page is … pages/

The path to the target page is …

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Sungevity [1].

  1. Sungevity.


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