Solar Electricity | Table O Contents

The components of Solar Electricity are complex. How Solar Electricity is measured is complex, too …

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The Electric Watt

Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …

More to come …

Issue. What is an Electric Watt?

Rule. (1) Watt (W) = 1 joule per second;

A Watt (W), therefore, is simply a measure of the rate of electron Power Flow over an electric line.

Analysis. To illustrate, a quantity of two (2) Watts would equal a Power Flow of two (2) joules per second traveling into the home over a power line originating from an array of Solar panels.

Photon Generators

Whereas, a 400 Watt (W) High-Intensity-Discharge (HID) lamp requires a Power Flow of 400 joules per second, or 400 Watts of power to operate efficiently.

And, a 125 Watt (W) Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) requires 125 joules per second of Power Flow, or 125 Watts of power to operate efficiently.

And, the above photon generators and their accompanying fans, timer, ballast, etc. are the main electrical components of the dual chamber BC Northern Lights Bloom Box.

How the are we to proceed?

Continue …

Electric kilo Watt

Issue. What is an electric kilo Watt (kW)?

A kilo Watt (kW) of electricity holds the same relationship to electrons as a single kilo Gram bar of silver holds to grams of weight.

For example, one-thousand (1000) Watts of power, or kilo Watt (kW) equals 1000 joules per second in electron Power Flow

Just as one-thousand (1000) grams of silver equals (1) kilo Gram.

Electric kilo Watt hour

Issue. What is an electric kilo Watt hour?

Rule. One (1) electric kilo Watt hour (kWh) = 1,000 Watts of electron Power Flow over the timeframe of one-hour at the Power Flow rate of 1000 joules per second.

On Grid: The Utility Company

Issue. What does the Utility Company charge for (1) kilo Watt hour (kWh) of consumer electric consumption?

Rule. The Utility Companies in Phoenix, Arizona USA …

Arizona Power Supply (APS) and Salt River Project (SRP) are both regulated public utilities.

Therefore, both generally charge a flat rate of $0.12 per (kWh) for residential customers in the State of Arizona.

Solar Panels

Rule. Solar Panels are rated by the number of estimated Watt(s) (W) of Direct Current (DC)

Or, direct electron Power Flow each panel can produce from the sun at peak daytime.

For example, a Solar Panel that is rated at 250 Watt(s) (W) of Power Flow is able to induce a Direct Current (DC) of …

250 joules per second from the sun at peak daytime.

Each Solar Panel, however, must be fitted with a Micro-inverter(MI) to take that Direct Current (DC) electron Power Flow

And, convert it to the household type of current the dual chamber BC Northern Lights Bloom Box works best at.

Namely, the same type of current that powers your electric toaster … Alternating Current (AC).

In the process of conversion, however, the electron Power Flow diminishes somewhat due the amount of energy tapped by the Micro-inverters (MI).

What follows below is a Territorial Solar Rating based on that reduced ( and, now converted ) Alternating Current (AC) electron Power Flow.

Territorial Solar Rating

Rule. The Phoenix, Arizona metro region resides in the 2nd highest potential Solar Input Region (SIP) of the United States.

Las Vegas, Nevada ( located in the Mohave Desert northwest of Phoenix ) is #1.

Analysis. Take the regional rating of the average annual expected Direct Current (DC) output of a 1 kilo Watt (kW) rated Solar Installation …

( Expressed in kilo Watt hours (kWh) of electron Power Flow for the region ) …

( 2000 for Phoenix );

( 2100 for Las Vegas );

And, now multiply that regional rating by the Inversion Factor (IF) of 0.78 …

The result of the above calculation is ( 1560 for Phoenix ) of now usable Alternating Current (AC) expressed in kilo Watt hours (kWh),

So, the approximate amount of Direct Current (DC) electricity converted to usable Alternating Current (AC) in kilo Watt hours (kWh) …

That you can expect to generate in one (1) year’s time using a 1 kilo Watt (kW) rated Solar Installation is ( 1560 for Phoenix ).

BC Northern Lights Bloombox

Issue. What is the power consumption of a dual chamber BC Northern Lights Bloombox [1] ?

Power Consumption Table

Rated Power Draw (W) Quantity (Count) Electrical Component Power Draw (W) Hours On (hr) Usage per day (Watt-hours)
400 (W) 1 HID Flowering Bulb 400 (W) 12.00 (hr) 4800 Watt-hours
125 (W) 1 CFL Vegetation Bulb 125 (W) 18.00 (hr) 2250 Watt-hours
24 (W) 1 Exhaust Fan 24 (W) 24.00 (hr) 576 Watt-hours
24 (W) 2 Bulb Circulation Fan 48 (W) 12.00 (hr) 576 Watt-hours
24 (W) 1 CO2 Period Input Fan 24 (W) 12.00 (hr) 288 Watt-hours
18 (W) 1 Air Pump 18 (W) 24.00 (hr) 432 Watt-hours
04 (W) 1 Water Pump 04 (W) 12 min or 00.20 (hr) 0.80 Watt-hours


Issue. What is the daily cost to run power the dual chamber BC Northern Lights Bloom Box …?

Total Usage Per Day (Watt-hours)

8923 Watt-hours

Total Usage Per Day (kWh)

8.923 kilo Watt hours (kWh)

Cost Per kilo Watt hour

12 cents

Daily Cost ( 8.923 x 12 cents )



If you run your dual chamber BC Northern Light Bloom Box continuously on schedule every day of the year …

Twelve (12) hours of Alternating Current (AC) electron flow for the Flowering Chamber accompanied by a simultaneous …

(18) hours of Alternating Current (AC) electron flow for the Vegetation Chamber

Plus, all of the other incidental fans, pumps, digital timers, internal ambient air sensors, and digital internal atmospheric controls …

Rule. The dual chamber BC Northern Lights Bloom Box consumes approx. ( 8923 ) Watt hours of electron Power Flow every (24) hours.

Therefore, your “Grow” will consume approx. ( 3,256,895 ) Watt-hours when operating the dual chamber BC Northern Lights Bloom Box “full blast” … Over the course of the entire year.


365 days x 8.923 kilo Watt hours (kWh) of Alternating Current (AC) electron Power Flow annually.

Conversion To Kilowatts

Converting the above result to (kW) …

In order to successfully establish a “Carbon Free Footprint” or “Zero Carbon Footprint” (ZCF) to power your Dual Chamber BC Northern Lights Bloom Machine Grow Box “full blast” …

Over the course of the entire year …

Requires a ( 3257 / 1560 ) kilo Watt (kW) rated system of Solar panels.

This corresponds to a ( 2.10 - 3.00 ) kilo Watt (kW) rated system ( array ) of Solar panels.

Do The Math

350 Watt (W) rated Solar panels ( 17% Efficiency Rating )

6.29 Exposure Factor x 2.10 kW System = 13.209 (kWh) per day;

350w Solar Panel ( 0.35 kWh ) x 6.29 Exposure Factor = 2.2015 kWh per day

13.209 / 2.2015 = Six (6) 350w Solar Panels

Break It Down

So, to break this down into simple math that you can do:

AC rating = (kWh) per day / Exposure Factor

AC rating = 8.923 / 6.29 = 1.42 (kW)

DC rating = AC rating / Inversion Factor (.78)

DC rating = 1.42 (kW) / .78 = 1.82 (kW)

Number of panels = DC rating (kW) x 1000 / Panel Rating (w)

Number of panels = 1.82 (kW) x 1000 / 350w

Number of panels = 1820w / 350w

Number of panels = 5.20, or a 3 x 2 Solar panel System ( array )

So, for example … a 2.10 (kW) System of Solar panels ( array ) = 2100 Watts …

And, a 350 watt panel = .350 (kW)


Therefore, 2.10 (kW) x 1000 / 350 watt Solar panel =

2100 / 350 = 6 Solar Panels are required to generate ( Complete with individual accompanying Micro-Inverters (MI) … )

Given. The Sunmodule 350w XL Mono Solar Panel manufactured by Solar World carries an above benchmark 17.54% Efficiency Rating …

at a price well below $1 per rated production Watt.

Check: (6) Solar Panels x 350w = 2100 Watts = 2.1 (kW) rated system of Solar panels ( array )

Weight of Solar Panels

Issue. How many pounds will six (6) 350 Watt (W) rated Solar panels ( 17% Efficiency Rating ) weigh?

Given. Six (6) Solar panels Are needed to to establish a system ( array ) output equal to a ( 2.10 - 3.00 ) kilo Watt (kW) rated system?

Analysis. Each Sunmodule 350w XL Mono Solar Panel weighs in at 47.6 pounds.

Conclusion #2

Therefore, a 2 x 3 six (6) Solar panel array will weigh in at approx. 285 pounds.

Cost of Solar Panels

Issue. What is the cost per Array?

Rules. Each Sunmodule 350w XL Mono Solar Panel retails for approx. $275 USD ( less than $1 per rated production Watt )

Analysis. To configure the 4 x 8 array of Solar Panels shown in the example photo requires (32) panels at a cost of $275 each, or $8,800 USD.

8 x 4 Solar Panel Array With Dual Axis Tracking

Plus, the cost of the Micro-Inverters (MI), the Dual Axis Tracking mechanism, the mount, and the pedestal.

Solve The Problem

To build the required 2.10 - 3.00 kW rated Solar panel system ( array ) given the annual expected draw of ( 3,256,895 ) Watt-hours

Requires the purchase of ( 2.10 x 2000 ) or, the size of the required system multiplied by the expected Direct Current (DC) expressed in …

kilo Watts (kW) ) / divided by the rating in Watts (W) of the solar panel, or 350.

4200 / 350 = 12 Solar panels rated at 350w with a 17% efficiency rating are required …

To configure the 3 x 4 array of Solar Panels shown in this (12) panel example at a cost of $275 each, or $3,300 USD.

Each 350w Solar panel is rated to produce a 350 kilo Watt (kW) stream of Direct Current (DC) Power Flow at the high point of the day.

Similarly, throughout the entire year a 1 (kW) rated System of Solar panels ( Array ) is expected to produce …

2000 (kW) of Direct Current (DC) Power Flow annually.

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by BC Northern Lights [1].

  1. The Bloombox by BC Northern Lights. Published by © 2017


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