Craft A Link | Table O Contents

How To Craft An External Hyperlink In Markdown With Liquid

Note. The Flammarion Logo Badge in the page header above is an .svg image file set to the dimensions of 5% width, auto height, and zoom. Go ahead and test the zoom-out feature by hovering over the badge to engage the expansion of the image.

First Subtitle

Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …

More to come …

Placing strategic Liquid statements enveloped with {{ double sets of curly braces }} will offer a shortcut to the more common long form way of expressing Markdown external hyperlinks.

In Markdown, a long-cut external hyperlink is crafted with a train of connected statements consisting of first the bracketed clickable text, as follows:

The Code

[Liquid Lessons Project]

After establishing the bracketed clickable text, next the developer appends the full long-cut external Url within a set of single parenthesis (...), as shown below:

[Liquid Lessons Project](

Note. A full long-cut external Url in Markdown is written the same way as an absolute Url in Html.

Finale Liquid

Finally, a Liquid statement may be appended to the tail end of the Markdown hyperlink chain in order to designate a target of self or blank.

[Liquid Lessons Project]({:target="_blank"}

Putting it all together yields the following Live rendition …

Liquid short-cut external hyperlinks can replace some of the more static elements of a Markdown long-cut hyperlink with moustache statements.

Note. A Liquid moustache is simply another way to say {{ double sets of curly braces }} with the double sets of curly braces resembling a sort of caricature moustache, don’t you see.

Break It Down Relatively

An analysis of a Markdown long-cut hyperlink consists of the following primary elements:

  1. Link Title
    • The Title of The Destination
  2. Link Url Full
    • The Full Url
  3. Target Statement
    • The Landing Page ( Self or Blank )

Dissect Further

The full Url of a hyperlink may be dissected further to reveal the following sub-elements eligible for consideration as static Liquid variables:


  1. Base Url
    • The Directory From Which The Files Are Served
  2. Url
    • The Parental Web Address of Your Designated Project

Note. Both the Base Url and Url may be set in stone as Liquid variables via the Config dot yaml file.

The config.yml file is stored in the docs folder of your repo.

Base Url Example #1

The Base Url represents a static variable named baseurl that can be set inside your config.yml file representing the subpath of your designated project, e.g. /blog, as follows:

# The 'baseurl' is the subpath of your designated project
baseurl: "/Liquid-Lessons-Project"

The baseurl may then be placed within the long-cut hyperlink if locked inside a Liquid moustache statement.

An application of this code avoids the repetition of always having to type the same repo subpath when crafting an external hyperlink.

Unix Pipe

Let’s establish a Liquid moustache statement that uses a Unix pipe to send the value of your designated path to the built-in site method relative_url, also known as a filter.

{{ "/" | relative_url }}

The built-in site method relative_url instructs your development machine to fetch the value of the variable baseurl from the Config dot yaml file and then prepend the baseurl variable to your path entry as shown above in order to create a valid relative link programmatically.

A little backwards, heh?

But, it works!

In effect, we have crafted programmatically the following long-cut Url:

[Liquid Lessons Project](../Liquid-Lessons-Project/){:target="_blank"}

From the following short-cut Url statement …

The Code: Short Cut ( Relative ) #1

[Liquid Lessons Project](../{{ "/" | relative_url }}){:target="_blank"}

Note. By setting the path with simply the slash key "/" we have invoked the index page of the project.

The path "/" shown above is the directory from which your ‘index dot md’ page will be served, as well as the md files located in the docs subdirectory named pages.

In this case, we are serving our files via Git Hub Pages using the docs directory.

The docs directory, therefore, becomes the root directory "/" for our ‘index dot md’ file as well as for our ‘pages’ subdirectory.

Prepending the baseurl onto the "/" produces, in long-cut, the following relative Url statement …

The Code: Long Cut ( Relative ) #1

[Liquid Lessons Project](../Liquid-Lessons-Project/){:target="_blank"}

Where, the ‘Liquid-Lessons-Project’ is the variable baseurl.

Base Url Example #2

Here, we are prepending via the Unix Pipe the baseurl variable from our config.yml file onto the pathway shown to create a relative link, as follows:

The Code: Long Cut ( Relative ) #2

[Liquid Lessons Project](../Liquid-Lessons-Project/pages/Source-Links){:target="_blank"}

Note. It is not required to place a suffix after the title of the targeted page in this relative instance.

Markdown will infer the type of page from the code inside and Kramdown the file into a standard Html file with a ( .html ) suffix.

From Afar

However, when crafting an external absolute hyperlink from an external html source page …

When you do target a file that has been Kramdown, be sure to reference the standard ( .html ) suffix.

Putting it all together yields the following Live rendition …

Flipping The Switch

If we now substitute the relative_url method with the built-in absolute_url site method, or filter, then the program will instruct your development machine to fetch the value of BOTH the variable baseurl ( as in the relative_url method shown above ) plus the variable url, as well.

Let’s try that …


Recall from above, the full Url of a hyperlink may be dissected further to reveal the following sub-elements eligible for consideration as static Liquid statements:

  1. Base Url
    • The Directory From Which The Files Are Served
  2. Url
    • The Parental Web Address of Your Designated Project

Recall further, that BOTH the Base Url and the Url may be set in stone as Liquid variables via the Config dot yaml file stored in the docs folder of your repo.

The url is a static variable set inside your config.yml file representing the parental web address of your designated project.

This variable can be placed within the code statement of your short-cut hyperlink locked inside a Liquid moustache statement to avoid the repetition of always having to type the same url, or parental web address of your designated project … all the time, as follows:

The Code: Short Cut ( Absolute )

[Liquid Lessons Project]({{ "/index" | absolute_url }}){:target="_blank"}

Putting it all together yields the following Live rendition …

Liquid Lessons Project

Note. When the “absolute” version of the filter is used, the method instructs your machine to prepend first the value of the baseurl variable to your designated path.

And, then secondly … to prepend the variable of the url … to the baseurl.

Local Jekyll Server

Locally, when rendering the page over your local Jekyll server, localhost is substituted for the url and the baseurl.

Remote Jekyll Server

However, when rendering the page over the remote Jekyll server at the Git Hub Pages server farm …

The short-cut link results in the rendering of a long-cut link, as follows:

The Code: Remote Jekyll Server

[Liquid Lessons Project]({:target="_blank"}

Liquid Lessons Project

Where, ‘’ is the parental web address of your designated project, or url variable.

And, ‘/Liquid-Lessons-Project` is the subpath of your designated project, or baseurl variable.

Another way to put it is …

Your designated path ( in this case “/index” ) is prepended by the url variable …

That is itself appended by the baseurl variable!


If we hover over each live rendition shown above, we should see at the bottom of your browser ( if your status bar is enabled ) the pathways of both the long-cut and short-cut Urls as compiled.

Hover Over

Simply hover over each of the above “long” and the “short” links, and then spy the Status Bar at the bottom of your browser.

Status Bar

The Status Bar will show each link as compiled, when hovered over.

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Blank Author [1].

  1. A Narrative of Psychology by Blank Author, Jan #1999


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