Roll Call | Table O Contents

How to render data from a Data Store in Jekyll …

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First Subtitle

Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …

More to come …


For the purposes of accessing data …

The Jekyll engine will allow access to the following types of files in the hidden _data subdirectory:

How to Call a Data set in Jekyll

First, create your data set and place the file in the _data subdirectory of your repo.

Note. Be sure to place the _data folder in either the root / directory of your repo … Or, under the /docs subdirectory of your repo.

Dependent upon which directory ( root or docs ) is being used by GitHub pages.

The Code

For this example, we will create a (.json) file named ‘tabs’ and place the file in the _data folder under the /docs subdirectory, as follows:

  { "lastName" : "Allen", "vote" : true },
  { "lastName" : "Alston", "vote" : false },
  { "lastName" : "Andrade", "vote" : null },
  { "lastName" : "Barton", "vote" : true }

Note. Notice the new (.json) file named ‘tabs’ has a section named ‘reps’ that can be assessed via dot notation.

Accessing The Data Store

Next, we will use a liquid for loop statement to access the above data store, as follows:

{% for tab in %}{% endfor %}

Note. Because we are using the Jekyll engine to render the highlighted example code on this page, and because Jekyll processes liquid statements by default …

When we attempt to render a highlighted block of code that includes liquid code statements …

If we place an escape \ character before the liquid statement characters of { and % and }, the effect of the liquid statements will be neutralized.

Escape Characters v Raw

But, this is cumbersome …

Plus, the escape \ characters must eventually be removed from the liquid example statements when rendered “live”.

There must be a better way.

Simply enveloping the liquid example statements in Triple back-ticks ``` does not work because the Jekyll engine automatically parses liquid statements as the engine iterates through the repo in a sort of logical progressions.

Shopify Liquid

If we could only find a way to temporarily disable liquid tag processing we would be set.

After checking with our friends over at Shopify …

Who also use liquid statements to render their output …

If we envelope the liquid example statements with the keyword raw, itself a liquid statement, and then envelope all with Triple-backticks ```, then

We should see a highlighted, yet disabled liquid example statement, as follows:

{% raw %}
{% for tab in %}{% endfor %}
\{\% endraw \%\}

Hint. Don’t forget the Triple-backticks ```, at the end of a highlighted block of code.

The Roll Call Vote

Inside the liquid for loop statement we will call …

As follows,

- {{ 'Arizona State Representative' }} {{ tab.lastName }}:

Hint. A traditional Html unordered line item, or <li></li> may be produced in GitHub Flavored Markdown, or GFM by prepending the line with a simple - hyphen character as shown above.

Alt If Else If Loop

After the colon :

We could place a liquid If Else If Loop statement that would iterate over the data store for the purpose of discovering a boolean state of either true or false, or a json state of null from the vote value of each record within the data store.

However, the truthy - falsy outcomes of values placed in json data stores do become delicately upset when confronted with the strict == operator.

If the boolean state of either true or false, or the json state of null is discovered in the vote value, then the Jekyll engine is instructed to render a piece of descriptive text in the type of a string for each respective discovery.

Exception. The json state of null may represent a “Non-vote” or abstention within the data store.

Task Summation

In this case, we shall ask the Jekyll engine to:

Case When Switch

We could also try a liquid Case - When switch to render each output WITHOUT the added baggage of using the strict == operator.

When the author first attempted to utilize the liquid If Else If Loop for this model, the strict == operator behaved … Well, … STRICTLY at times.

Especially when accessing the data store!

The Strict Operator

The strict == operator will return its evaluation of truthiness or falsyness when iterating over the data store using the liquid If Else If Loop statement.

Rather than simply identifying the values, in this case the booleans true and false, and the json state of null

The strict == operator returned its evaluation of whether or not the value was truthy or falsy.

Needless to say, the strict == operator considered the null value to be of the falsy flavor and, therefore returned false while subsequently rendering the string Nay!

Not accurate! Not good!

The json state of null should return simply null and then the Jekyll engine should render the string ‘Abstain`.

Enter the Case

To implement a liquid Case - When switch, we will use the same initial liquid for loop statement as before in order to access the data store, as follows:

The Code Redux

{% for tab in %}{% endfor %}

We will also use the same two (2) prefix liquid statements followed by the colon : and preceded by the hyphen -

As before,

- {{ 'Arizona State Representative' }} {{ tab.lastName }}:

However, instead of appending a liquid If Else If Loop statement to the extra space following the colon :, we shall invoke the liquid case keyword to operate upon each iteration of the vote in tabs, or, as follows:

{% case %}

Each subsequent when switch will test for and find …

One (1) of three (3) potential values …

In addition to the discovery of the values from the data store …

During each iteration of the Jekyll engine is instructed to render the appropriate, respective given string, as follows:

{% when true %}{{'Yea'}}{% when null %}{{'Abstain'}}{% when false %}{{'Nay'}}

Finally, prior to ending the case switch, we will inject an else statement into the liquid case statement …

In order to test for those rare occasions where the operator may have failed to enter a value into the data store.

As follows,

{% else %}{{ 'There are no items to report!' }}

Note. Upon finding no such blank values, the liquid case-when switch is ended, and the preceding liquid for loop statement is ended, as well.

As follows,

{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}

Live Rendition

The Sequence of Events

Still befuddled as to how to stitch the above components together in order to render a coherent display?

Well, it goes a-like this …

{% for tab in %}

- {{ 'Arizona State Representative' }} {{ tab.lastName }}: {% case %} {% when true %}{{'Yea'}}{% when null %}{{'Abstain'}}{% when false %}{{'Nay'}}

{% else %}{{ 'There are no items to report!' }}

{% endcase %}

{% endfor %}

Extra Bonus

Would you like to view the failed If Else If Loop ( Example ) from the start of the lesson?

If you do, here it is!

The Alt Code

{% for tab in %}
- {{ 'Arizona State Representative' }} {{ tab.lastName }}:
{% if == true %}{{'Yea'}}{% else if == null %}{{'Abstain'}}{% else if == false %}{{'Nay'}}
{% else %}{{ 'There are no items to report!' }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by the Arizona House of Representatives [1].

  1. Arizona House of Representatives


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