Wealth Imbalance | Table O Contents
The top twenty wealthiest people in America own more assets than the bottom 50% of the population combined …
Note. The Medcoin™ Tangerine Copper Logo Badge
in the page header above is an .svg
image file set to the dimensions of 5%
width, auto
height, and zoom
. Go ahead and test the zoom-out
feature by hovering over the badge to engage the expansion of the image.
First Subtitle
Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘hypothesis’ here …
More to come …
Two Coins
One of the coins expected to hit the market in 2025 via Initial Coin Offering or ICO is our Medcoin™ Tangerine Copper coin patterned against our federally registered Medical Marijuana Initiative USPTO Trade Mark Logo Badge.
Tangerine Copper
Gold Badge
The other coin expected to hit the market in the year 2025 is our Medcoin™ Gold coin also patterned against our federally registered Medical Marijuana Initiative USPTO Trade Mark Logo Badge, as well.
As follows,
Wealth and Control
That’s around 160 million persons, people!
Still believe wealth concentration is a hoax?
Issue. Should we be ruled financially by a broad consensus, or by an interlocking limited number of political oligarchs?
Rule. “The path to trust is found between multiple disbursed authenticated copies.” ~ Satoshi Nakamoto, circa 2008
Enter The Blockchain
A block-chain consists of interconnected blocks of data with each data block recognizing and adhering to the previous data block.
The first data block created by the Bitcoin software was an originating creation of Bitcoin.
Into what Bitcoin wallet did that originating block go?
Fact. Since the inception of Bitcoin, hackers have intercepted over one-million Bitcoins at an estimated street value of over one-thousand million dollars USD ( $1 bill USD ).
That’s a lot of holes to fill, and not all of them have been filled.
With more heists on the horizon, it’s easy to see why John Q. Public has already built up recalcitrance to crypto-currencies.
As a competitor to distributed crypto-currency transactions, the centralized intermediaries of VISA and MasterCard settle approx. $15 Trillion USD in merchandise and services annually with a fault rate of approx. $13 billion USD.
So, it terms of gross dollars lost to fraud, Bitcoin trails the traditional market in volume.
Why then are not banks investing in some type of consortium to counter Bitcoin at the crypto-currency level?
The answer is …
They are! C=> R3.
Other applications of the block-chain technology that drives the crypto-currencies of the world are “smart contracts”.
This is a niche Etherium is attempting to fill that will allow the sale of your tin-do-minium to be recorded in a block-chain thus authenticating the new owner’s liability to pay the past due taxes!
How far have we come since those early days of nebulous contraction?
How about buying a set of pizzas for a total tab of $25 USD in May of #2010 …
Only to pay for those pizzas with a like amount of 10,000 Bitcoins?
If the delivery person or owner of that Pizza Parlor simply stashed away the code to his or her Bitcoin wallet in a locked safe, he could now sell those pizza proceeds for well over $10 million dollars USD seven years later …!
Medcoin™ is a crypto-currency founded in December of #2013 by the Medical Marijuana Initiative of North America - International Limited, an Arizona Benefit Corporation.
The MMINAIL has a trademark issued by the USPTO that grants Class 35 marketing rights in the United States for the company’s logo badge, a surfing medical patient in a wheel chair with a hemp leaf for spokes.
The company has been allowing the use of it’s logo badge to promote the Medcoin™ division to dispensaries throughout the State of Arizona and over the World Wide Web.
However, in July of #2017, the “Big Pharma” manufacturer Medtronic laid a huge squat on the fledgling crypto currency by obtaining a “World Mark” for the term Medcoin™.
As the purposes of the two entities are divergent, where Medtronic invades the trademark for the logo badge, and by extension the Medcoin™ division, legal sparks could fly.
In the interim, the management of the MMINAIL considers growth for the brand to be paramount and welcomes Medtronic’s initiative where the shadow of its footprint does not disable the efforts of the MMINAIL and it’s wholly owned division of Medcoin™, our nation’s #1 preferred crypto-currency for medical transactions.
“Uncovering the owner of a bitcoin address is next to impossible.” ~ Jorn Van Zwanenburg
But, the FBI was able to trace the owner of Silk Road, were they not?
Answer: Yes. But, only because his surfing tunnel had become compromised, not because of the underlying block chain technology.
Issue. Should Medcoin™ wallets be anonymous?
Rule. Bitcoin wallets are anonymous.
Analysis. As a quasi financial entity operating in the Great State of Arizona, the entrance of anonymous types who frequent the art of money laundering when flowing their profits and proceeds, ill gotten or not, from one venture through another, seems to smack straight in the face of the regulators of the old paradigm, and perhaps with good altruistic reason given the debacle in #2007 - #2008 at the end of the previous George Bush, Jr. regime and administration.
Conclusion. The Medcoin™ shall follow a hybrid approach to reconciling the block chain after each transaction, or set of transactions.
More to come …
Wealth Imbalance | Table O Contents
The top twenty wealthiest people in America own more assets than the bottom 50% of the population combined …
Note. The Medcoin™ Gold Logo Badge
in the page header above is an .svg
image file set to the dimensions of 5%
width, auto
height, and zoom
. Go ahead and test the zoom-out
feature by hovering over the badge to engage the expansion of the image.
Last Subtitle
More to come …
Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Blank Author [1].
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