De Structuring Objects | Table O Contents

Reed Barger sez we are creating variables here … not Objects directly …

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De-structuring Objects

Hint. The object assigned to const user stores the original content as key-value pairs …

The Code

const user = {
  name: "Reed",
  username: "ReedBarger",
  email: "",
  details: {
    title: "Programmer"

// What happens to the old `const user = this object` and its contents?

// Create new variables `username` and `email`

// Store as variable `user` constant consisting of the internal elements of `username` and `email`

const { username, email } = user;

function displayUser() {
  console.log(`Username: ${username}, Email: ${email}`);

// Run the function

Display User Bio

// Original Object
const user = {
  name: "Reed",
  username: "ReedBarger",
  email: "",
  details: {
    title: "Programmer"

const { name } = user;

function displayUserBio() {

// Run the function

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from a video lecture written, produced and performed by …

Reed Barger: [1].

For additional reference on the topic of De-structuring see the Mozilla Developer Network: [2]

For a working Internet development platform for Javascript Closures see Scrimba: [3]

  1. Javascript: The Complete Developer, 2020

  2. Mozilla Developer Network

  3. Scrimba Javascript Developer Platform


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