Inline Referenced Hyperlinks | Table O Contents

Inline Referenced Hyperlinks or IRH consist of an entangled ‘upper’ portion and ‘lower’ portion of a track and link that combine to express the enduser’s inate desire for more information …

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First Subtitle

Hint. Place the intro paragraph ie.) the ‘synopsis’ here …

More to come …

More to come …

The first stage of a Reference Style Hyperlink consists of …

The [MMINAIL][1] link in this paragraph ...

Por ejemplo en vivo. The MMINAIL link in this paragraph is anchored by a citation in the nofooter below.

The citation below is comprised of the aforementioned bracketed index number [1] followed by a colon : followed by the url of the targeted destination.

Note. The citation actually sits below this line of text, hidden in the nofooter of this live example.


But, can now become manifest via a Raw Code liquid statement, as next illustrated …


Note. No bare Urls allowed in Markdown

Inline Referenced Hyperlinks or IRH consist of an entangled ‘upper’ portion and ‘lower’ portion of a track and link that combine to express the enduser’s inate desire for more information.

The Upper Portion

The ‘upper’ portion of an IRH auto-assigns a numeric identifier or 1., displays a hashtag name, and paints a bright color to a ‘track’ that allows the enduser to click or ‘Jump To’ the ‘lower’ portion of the IRH consisting of a ‘hyperink’ expressed lower in the ‘footer’ area of the page.

Notice the ‘upper’ portion of the IRH is enveloped within a set of brackets [ ].

Summation. As expressed, the ‘upper’ portion of the IRH consists of the assigned numeric identifier or 1., the hashtag name, and the bright color.

Note. The numeric identifier or 1. is also itself enclosed in a separate set of internal brackets [ ].

Further, the hashtag name is enclosed in a separate set of internal parenthesis ( ).

And, the bright color (in this case the color “red”, or dot red) is expressed as a single Liquid statement enclosed in a single set of internal braces { }, as follows:

... of the MMINAIL [[1](#MMINAIL){}] to ...

Note. The colon : in front of the dot red in the above Liquid statement and the hashtag # in front of the symbol identifier ie.) MMINAIL are essential components of the IRH ensemble and cannot be omitted.

The Lower Portion

When an enduser clicks on the shown auto-assigned numeric identifier or 1., he or she is then instantly ‘Jump To’ the lower portion of the page where the actual referring ‘hyperlink’ resides.

Note. The Jekyll engine will automatically assign a successive numeric to the numeric identifier or 1. component.

The referring ‘hyperlink’ consists of a total of Six (6) connected components, as follows:

First, the auto-assigned numeric identifier or 1.

The numeric identifier or 1. is set at the beginning of the entire ‘lower’ portion of the ensemble.

Second, another Liquid statement called an assigned receiver is set equal to the exact same hashtag name, as follows:


Notice the colon : again in front of the hashtag name enveloped in a single set of Liquid statement braces { }.

Third, the symbol identifier MMINAIL is re-expressed in a single set of brackets to link the now entangled ‘lower’ portion of the IRH with the ‘upper’ portion track.

The forth component of the ‘lower’ portion of the IRH is the actual secure hyperlink enclosed in a single set of parenthesis.

Followed by a fifth component, the title tag

And, a sixth component, the target tag.

Completed IRH

The lower register of the page will consist of competed hyperlinks.

As an illustration, the following code depiction shows the multiple IRH bodies stored in the ‘lower’ portion of the page, as follows:

1. {:#MMINAIL}The [MMINAIL]({:title="Click to Donate To the Concept Library of the Medical Marijuana Initiative of North America - International Limited, an Arizona Benefit Corporation"}{:target="_blank"} is an acronym for the Medical Marijuana Initiative of North America - International Limited, an Arizona Benefit Corporation.

2. {:#COPYRIGHT}Published © 2013 - 2020 by []({:title="Click to Visit the Home page of the Concept Library of the Medical Marijuana Initiative of North America - International Limited, an Arizona Benefit Corporation"}{:target="_blank"}.

Single Author Example

On most pages, only a single referring hyperlink will be displayed, as follows:

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Robert Shiller [1].

  1. Narrative Economics by Robert Shiller, Jan #2017

Single Blank Author Example

Here is a generic example of a single referring hyperlink expressed inline.

Notice the hard return or *** expressed at both the top and bottom of the generic example.

Last Subtitle

More to come …

Note. The above synopsis was derived from an article written by Cloud Cannon [1].

  1. Instructional Jekyll Tips n Vids by Cloud Cannon. Published by © 2017


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